In the meantime I still made a few modifications for the QRP Automatic Tuner, which facilitates the work with it.
In addition it can now be connected simpler with the other devices.
Additional connectors
Directly to the left of the socket "Antenna" I used two black banana jacks.
They are connected internally with the antenna socket.
The bottom banana jack is connected with ground, the other one with the central pin.
Now I can attache two individual wires directly without without adapter.
Directly to the right of the socket "12 Volts" I used one individual yellow banana jack.
It is connected internally with this pin of the push-switch an the front side, which goes not to ground.
If connecting the jack with groung the tuner will tune.
Thus the tuner can be remote controlled also over an individual additional wire.
BNC sockets
The sockets are in original PL-plugs.
But nearly all devices in my shack use however BNC-sockets and plugs, I have replaced the PL-sockets.
After something searches I could bought suitable sockets with large flange as second-hand (however new ones).
They fit accurately on the drillings and break-throughs of the PL-sockets.
Simply looking for sockets of Huber/Suhner, which are labeled "23 BNC-50-0-2/133 NE".