Imprint, privacy, contact

Goal: The domain contains only purely private webpages. They have only the purpose to present me and to promote my hobby, the amateur radio. I do not pursue commercial targets with them.
Trade marks: All label names and registered trade marks used are property of their respective owners, also if not explicit specified. They are only used to describe the products and services.
Copyright: The copyright of the pictures, circuits, board layouts and texts and all other available files is, if particularly does not noted, with me.
Responsibility: For all shown circuits, diagrams and building suggestions I do not take over a guarantee on accuracy/operability. Also I am not liable for possibly damage from its reproduction and/or its application.
Use: Any type of commercially use of the presented projects is admissible only with my permission. The private use is permitted without restriction and without express consent, if I am not masked as the author.
Links: I am happy about links to my webpages. However the integration of one of my webpage as frame in a foreign webpage will fail. I assume no liability for the content of external webpages. The operators of the linked webpages are solely responsible for their content.
Conformity: All webpages are developed in such a way, that they can be viewed with each browser. Only Javascript must be activated, in order to navigate correct on all webpages and to allow the calculations on some webpages. All webpages are valid with HTML5 and CSS3. But none of these webpage supports a responsive web design. Only fonts with Open Font License are used on these webpages, which are hosted all at this domain.
Privacy: None of the webpages contains add-ones or commercials and none of the webpages stores information (cookies) about the behavior of visitors. In addition, no webpage contains plug-ins or other files from which other webpage operators can obtain usage data. The received data for the guestbook will be deleted immediately after its manual entry and the received data will not be passed on to third parties.
Contact: You can reach me by .