www.qrp4fun.de Fascination of QRP and DXing

Attention! The information specified on this webpage can lead to a massive infection with QRP bacilli. As consequence arise usually strengthened homebrewing, spontaneous QRP activities and a generally increased joy in the hobby. Note, that so far still no effective remedy was found against it. So reading on serves on own risk.
If you hears for the first time the term QRP, perhaps some questions occur. I hope that I can answer some of it on this page. And you will recognize, that also QRPer do not renounce the joy to reach a DX station. Many referring on this webpage apply of course also for the otherwise normal 100 W stations. However they should be considered strengthened by QRP stations. After all, with the 750 W permitted in Germany, almost every radio amateur can reach a DX station in a pile-up.
What is QRP operation and what should I consider with it? to the top
QRP is primarily an abbreviation from the wireless telegrafie with commercial radio services. It means "Reduce you the transmitting power!" or as question formulated "Should I reduce the transmitting power?" The term QRP is used by the hams, for thereby to refer to the special mode of its radio station. QRP mode is the transmit mode with low power: 5 W output for CW, 10 W output PEP for telephony.
However it is not possible to achieve the 5BDXCC with a matched wet tying lacing and an 1 mW transmitter. It is however possible to achieve with some watts each point of the earth. It believes calmly! Perhaps my following tips help you to improve your operation mode. Because it does not only lie at the used station.
Which technical demands required the QRP operation? to the top
In principle a QRP signal should be clean! It does not help anyone, if the own CW signal going into the air with buzzes, clicks and chirps. Corresponding to it a SSB signal should be sended with a solid frequency and well modulated. Everything else compounded the recording at the strived QSO partner. A quiet, but clear signal is always better to receive than a loud one, which is to be taken up only with difficulty. If you uses with CW an electronic key, you can forget the wight controller confidently. You should pay attention to the rules for structure of a CW character. An 1:3 relation of dots and dashes facilitates very the recording. Spaces in and between the individual characters should correspond also to the rules. An endless worm of dots and dashes displeased only the listener and he will turning at his VFO knob.
As a matter of principle QRPers should also use a large antenna in a large height as possible! There QRP does not differ from QRO. It is guaranteed also possible to become apparent with an indoor antenna or a loop. However the number of QRP QSO's will rise, if you uses a better antenna. It objects that you may not structure an antenna, applies with me only rarely. On the one hand you can build up a wire nevertheless somehow outside of the room, on the balcony or to a road-side tree which is situated opposite. On the other hand you can in most cases stow its QRP station away due to its size in one backpack and become active with enormous antennas in free nature in such a way. I am QRV with a antenna on the balcony, which I build up only if I use the station. This "from time to time" use had means induced (otherwise rather heartless) landlord to giving in. If he had not agreed, then next the tree in the garden of the neighbour would have been the target for a long wire.
There are some good Antenna Rules of Thumb, Jim Duffey, KK6MC (aka Dr. Megacycle). You can find the original "Antenna rules of thumb" on KK6MC's webpage.
Where can I receive assistance? to the top
In principle with each ham. I met still nobody, who did not help me on a question (also special QRP questions). If you want to ask others QRPers, the QRP meetings, the QRP clubs and working groups or familiary other QRP stations are a very good address for it.
Additional you can meet QRPers on the amateur radio bands themselves. There are frequency ranges on the amateur radio bands, on which you will find strengthened QRP stations. These are the QRP frequencies. These are non of the IARU determined areas, although they at least for the region 1 were held now also in writing. They formed rather from the operation. Thus also no right to the exclusive use of these frequencies exists. It should be understood rather as "activity center" and not as frequency channels.

QRP activity centers
CW: 1836, 3560, 7030, 10116, 14060, 18086, 21060, 24906, 28060 kHz
SSB: 3690, 7090, 10140, 14285, 18130, 21285, 24950, 28360 kHz

If you see an antenna somewhere in free nature, on a camping site or in another unusual place, it concerns itself mostly over QRPers. Ask the owner calmly. But caution! Most discussions with QRPers last for a long time. But they are in addition rarely uninteresting.
What are DX station, how do I find these and how reach I these? to the top
A station is called DX station, which is distant for at least 3000 km from the own station. This rule is amended however particularly in contests, so that as DX station counts who is not located on the own continent. But consider that also you can be for other stations a DX station.
At the time there are DXCC entities. But also a QRP station can reach DX stations, as you show the number of DXCC entities reached. If you should hear a callsign, which you cannot assign to a DXCC entity, then look up in the list of callsign series. Thus you find at least the country, to which it belongs politically.
Only rarely you do find DX stations over the DX cluster! If a really rare station were called there, there is mostly a large "run", with which QRPers mostly must attach. It is however always worthwhile itself to hear the first 25 to 30 kHz of a band repeatedly after DX stations. If you working on the QRP frequencies, then turns every few minutes over this area. That lasts not for a long time. Quite often I so already got DX stations in the log, which began even only with their CQ or with those the pile-up were still small. Why the DX stations are there I cannot say. They are however mostly there.
Also QRP stations can "crack" a pile up. But it requires patience! Since it is not possible to put still fast few hundred watts more on the antenna you must be able to be occur in something else. As the first you should take of the notes for a operation mode and for the technical demands already specified. Beyond that you should sound oneself times the behavior in a pile up. It in most cases gives after the last passage of the DX station (with TU or K terminated) a mad confusion. Then something silence, because all hear whether they are called. Then it goes again from the front loosely. This break is the chance for quiet stations. If the DX station does not make a split operation, then it is advisable to call additionally something off the frequency. Most stations call directly according to experience or briefly apart from the DX frequency. There however nobody hears a QRP station. 500 or 1000 Hz beside it are already somewhat calmer it. Also with split operation you should not select the thickest tumult. Since the pile up is mostly quite broad, you should select yourself a calm place to the edge. QSK is there very helpful. Which you should not make however, calling is during a passage or continuous calls. That leads with some stations to the ignore of the call (and to the own annoyance). At some stations I already sat almost one hour on the station, before I was heard. Don't give up too early! QRO stations are doing sometimes exactly the same.
Some very good Thoughts on Working DX are publisched by Jim Duffey, KK6MC (aka Dr. Megacycle). You can find the original "Thoughts on working DX" on KK6MC's webpage.
QRP Hall of Fame QRP Amateur Radio Club International to the top
QRP Amateur Radio Club International The QRP Hall of Fame (QRP HoF) is an honor bestowed by the QRP Amateur Radio Club International (QRP ARCI) on people, who have made outstanding and long running contributions to the QRP community.
The call for nomination letters goes out in the autumn, the voting on candidates is done in the spring, and the new inductees (if any) are announced publicly at the QRP event "Four Days In May" within the Hamvention at Dayton/Ohio. Although administered by the QRP ARCI, membership is not required to be nominated or to submit a nomination on a worthy individual. The inital round of inductions was done in 1992. The program was revitalized in 1996 and there have been people inducted almost every year since.
(drum roll) And here are the QRP Hall of Fame members (fanfare):

2024: Dan Walker, WG5G
2023: John Shannon, K3WWP; Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL
2022: Jeff Hetherington, VA3JFF; Mert Nellis W0UFO
2021: Joe Taylor, K1JT
2020: Vern Wright, W6MMA
2018: Bob Rosier, K4OCE
2017: Ashar Farhan, VU3ICQ; Bill Meara, N2CQR
2015: Pete Juliano, N6QW
2014: David Cripe, NM0S; Ed Hare, W1RFI; Zack Lau, W1VT
2013: Drew Diamond, VK3XU; Craig Johnson, AA0ZZ; Dan Tayloe, N7VE
2012: Jay Bromley, W5JAY; Terry Fletcher, WA0ITP; Kevin Zietz, VK5AKZ
2010: Dave Ingram, K4TWJ; Rex Harper, W1REX; Jim Stafford, W4QO
2009: Rick Campbell, KK7B; Martin Jue, K5FLU; Tony Parks, KB9YIG;
   Hans Summers, G0UPL
2008: Harry Blomquest, K6JSS; Ken Evans, W4DU
2006: Fred Bonavita, K5QLF; Jim Duffey, KK6MC; Hank Kohl, K8DD
2005: Diz Gentzow, W8DIZ; Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ
2004: Bill Kelsey, N8ET; Ian Keyser, G3ROO; Steve Weber, KD1JV
2003: Arnie Coro Antich, CO2KK; Graham Firth, G3MFJ; Tony Fishpool, G4WIF
2002: Rich Arland, W3OSS; Jim Kortge, K8IQY
2001: George Heron, N2APB; Peter Zenker, DL2FI
2000: Michael Bryce, WB8VGE; Joe Everhart, N2CX
1999: Dave Benson, K1SWL; Paul Harden, NA5N
1998: Chuck Adams, K7QO; Wayne Burdick, N6KR; Jim Cates, WA6GER;
   Gus Taylor, G8PG
1997: L.B. Cebik, W4RNL; Doug Hendricks, KI6DS; Dick Pascoe, G0BPS
1996: Brice Anderson, W9PNE; George Burt, GM3OXX;
   Mike Czuhajewski, WA8MCQ; Tom Davis, K8IF; Wes Hayward, W7ZOI;
   Rick Littlefield, K1BQT; Rock Rockey, W9SCH; Adrian Weiss, W0RSP
1992: Doug DeMaw, W1FB; George Dobbs, G3RJV; Roy Lewallen, W7EL;
   Randy Rand, AA2U