www.qrp4fun.de A lot of fun with wireless telegraphy

In radiotechnique I prefer to do wireless morse telegraphy (CW). I hope that I can bring you over to these operating mode on this webpage and direct perhaps even your interest on it.
(My) reasons for the use of CW to the top
The hobby amateur radio is so various that everyone can according to the personal inclinations and technical possibilities its favourite operating mode select and to this with attention of some basic rules unimpaired dedicate itself.
My selection fell on the wireless telegrafie. With its assistance I can transmit information without use of additional devices. Only the own ears, the transceiver and a morse key are necessary for it. If the morse key is replaced by a microphone, this is possible also by means of telefonie (SSB). An advantage of the wireless telegrafie more opposite the telefonie is however the fact that a CW signal can be taken up also still under conditions, with those SSB no longer is possible. Why? Place you times a very quiet signal forwards. Only if one tone must be detected, then this is still possible also if the accommodation of words already failed.
By the lately developed new operating modes (e.g. PSK31) also still connections can be implements if even the wireless telegrafie already fails. However for it always add-on modules (mostly computers) are necessary. Since I follow to my hobby repeatedly times from locations off any civilization, therefore always additionally still at least a notebook would be necessary. Since I would not like this, I had decided for the wireless telegrafie as favored operation field.
But this not mean, that I regard radio amateurs badly, who do not divide this preference. If I consider, which other one reach on the subject of SSTV, PSK31 and the many other ranges of our hobby, I raise my hat to this one.
Structure of a CW character to the top
That is a double-edged topic. On the one hand CW characters should be differentiated not according to the number from dots and dashes, but according to the sound. If we talk together, we do not make sure also that a certain word consists of individual letters. We hear the whole word and do detect this. Exactly the same it is to be also with the CW language.

On the other hand however some basic rules for the output of CW characters are to be considered. To the most fundamental rules a dot-dash-relation of 1:3 belongs. Furthermore a distance between the dots and dashes of a single character of a point length is to be kept. Between the CW characters of a word a break is appropriate by 3 dot lengths. The distance between words is to amount to 7 dots lengths.
International CW characters to the top
The CW characters can be divided into groups: letter, digits, punctuation marks, other signs. Beside the international CW characters there are some additional characters or also whole alphabets for some languages still. These were not inserted however into the available enumeration of international CW characters.
CW abbreviations to the top
The type of operation CW revives only correctly by the abbreviations used therein. To form CW signals fast and to recognize these characters is only one part, a liquid handling during a QSO's is another. It's also possible to handle a whole QSO in the plain text, however it's faster to use the usual, internationally understandable abbreviations and to omitting fillers. If you start with CW, you will know only few abbreviations, which you use during a QSO's. However it will become from QSO to QSO more and more. I do not use also all contractions specified here constantly during the QSO's. If necessary during a QSO I take a quick glance at a ready-beindg list (hi). The available list of CW abbreviations does not lay a claim on completeness.
CW rate and PARIS standard to the top
The individual characters of the CW alphabet are partially differently long. Thus it is not so easily possible to indicate for any text a certain CW rate. In order to eliminate this problem, one agreed for the calculation of the CW rate on a reference word. This word is called PARIS.

The word PARIS together with the following 7 dits long break takes a length of 50 dots lengths. Therefore the following connection results: 1 word equal 5 letters equal 50 dot lengths. For the specification of the CW rate two versions are possible. On the one hand the specification in words per minute (WPM) and on the other hand the use of letters per minute (LPM). They can be converted at any time into one another. An example pleasingly? 12 words per minute equal 60 letters per minute equal 600 dot lengths per minute. That results in a dot length of 100 ms. A small javascript allows the values to be converted into each other.